Trakti Smart "Legal" Contracts Blog

Digital inheritance: how blockchain and smart contracts can secure the transfer of rights to digital assets

on May 27, 2024

Business is going digital and digitisation has spread throughout all areas of private law, including inheritance law. “Digital inheritance” is a term in law, and refers to the transfer of rights to digital assets.
A Digital asset can be defined as a personal property owned by an individual which is stored in a digital form, therefore any digital data that a person leaves, after his death, stored on diverse types of digital devices and in the cloud. This includes a multitude of digital formats and their respective metadata: from your online accounts, including banking information, to social media passwords.

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Advantages of the no code approach for Legaltech

on May 26, 2024

The no-code movement is a trend that can also offer a lot of potential benefits for the legal and administration sectors.
According to Gartner, no-code and low-code application development will be responsible for more than 65% of application development activity by 2024.
No-code platforms can revolutionise the way legaltech approaches its internal innovation and automation of key tasks.
No-code tools and technologies can help lawyers to efficiently drive their business.
This is certainly a challenge with regards to user experience, as no code applications transform and simplify the way we can all interact with the interface of an app or software.

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Using blockchain for climate action

on April 29, 2024

The global community faces an unprecedented challenge: combating climate change and transitioning to a sustainable future. Innovative solutions are required to address this urgent issue, and digital technologies have emerged as powerful tools in the fight against climate change. Among these technologies, blockchain, web3, and regenerative finance have the potential to make a significant impact on climate action and support the decarbonisation of our world.

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The Avalanche Blockchain: in Depth with Martin Eckardt

on April 4, 2024

In the dynamic realm of blockchain technology, Avalanche shines as a beacon of innovation and promise. Renowned for its unmatched scalability and speed, Avalanche has captivated the attention of cryptocurrency experts and investors worldwide. Recently, on March 27, we were honored to engage in a dialogue with Martin Eckardt, a pivotal figure in the development of Avalanche.

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Trakti unveils DORA compliance made simple

on April 4, 2024

In the realm of modern business, where digital transactions reign supreme, compliance with regulatory standards is non-negotiable. Trakti, a pioneering force in contract lifecycle management, continues to lead the charge to revolutionise the way companies address compliance requirements. Building on its tradition of innovation, Trakti is excited to announce the launch of its latest innovation: DORA compliance made simple. 

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Smart legal contracts and monitoring clauses

on March 12, 2024

Currently, ESG issues have become a major concern for businesses. To efficiently address these issues, enterprises must build quality and/or quantity monitoring systems. However, in traditional monitoring systems, data tempering and centralized storage have become barriers to reliability. Furthermore, due to lack of automation, traditional monitoring systems are inefficient.

Fortunately, Blockchain technologies and smart contract can provide all we need to overcome the above disadvantages and deficiencies.

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Open banking and contractual automation to reduce financial management costs

on March 12, 2024

Open Banking is an innovative model for banks and the financial industry. We can define open banking as a digital technology that revolutionised banks and financial services. Its aim is to establish, support, and strengthen clients’ trust. It allows banks to offer more agile financial services to their customers, helping them to make better decisions, and save money.

When Open banking comes with contractual automation, it can reduce financial management costs.

Digital disruption, FinTechs and Regulatory compliance such as the Revised Payment Services Directive (PSD2) have accelerated the competition in the financial sector and forced banks to open and speed up their systems.

APIs are used for sharing financial data in the open banking ecosystem. Using API, banks can now remodel and innovate their core systems.

Reading time: 4 min

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