
All posts tagged Onboarding

Smart performance evaluation for tokenized supplier qualification

on January 16, 2023

We’ve been looking towards blockchain technology for years in the hopes of enabling holistic traceability in smart supply chains and manufacturing networks. As the business sector becomes increasingly complex and decentralized, spanning across multiple manufacturing areas, factories, and even countries, smart contracts are the answer for creating timed supplier qualification certifications through tokens on the blockchain. They can connect to performance indicators in the smart contracts that govern it.

Since the general purpose of a smart contract allows for autonomous verification of qualification criteria and standards, it is ideal for supplier performance monitoring.

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Guide to Supplier onboarding and qualification

on January 9, 2023

When it comes to supplier onboarding and qualification, both enterprises and small and medium businesses benefit from having a process in place. You can optimize time spent onboarding suppliers and reduce errors with something as simple as automation. And one possible way is by leveraging smart contracts and blockchain technology. 

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Come semplificare l’onboarding dei fornitori e ridurre il rischio di controparte

on November 15, 2022

Ci sono diversi passaggi da seguire se si desidera semplificare l’onboarding dei fornitori e ridurre il rischio di controparte. Queste strategie possono aiutarti a impostare il processo e a migliorarne l’efficienza.

L’onboarding dei fornitori non è un processo uguale per tutti. Può essere complesso e per molte grandi imprese, possono essere necessari 3-6 mesi per completare l’onboarding di un nuovo fornitore. Trovare un modo per semplificare l’onboarding dei fornitori e ridurre il rischio di controparte, può migliorare la relazione e accelerare il processo.

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How to Accelerate Onboarding and Reduce Counterparty Risk

on October 19, 2022

Despite the various technological upgrades that have occurred in the financial services industry over the years, the onboarding process for new customers remains a tedious and expensive process. Most banks still struggle to provide a simple and effective digital onboarding experience. But if they learn how to accelerate onboarding and reduce counterparty risk, they can achieve much better results. 

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Automated Supplier Acquisition and Verification: A Strategic Key for Procurement and Sales

on July 20, 2022

Contractual onboarding and supplier qualification, especially when regulation and controls require human work, are often characterised by delays and frustration, as comprising numerous players and moving parts. The vendor completes an onboarding form that includes general and financial information. This stage might also involve the legal team, to ensure it from a legal, compliance, and security standpoint.

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Quali sono i benefit che la blockchain porta al settore legale

on June 20, 2022

Secondo il rapporto di Clio sulle tendenze legali 2018 (https://www.clio.com/resources/legal-trends/2018-report/) gli avvocati dedicano fino al 48% del loro tempo alle attività amministrative, tra cui il trasferimento d’informazioni tra software e le attività di aggiornamento ai clienti. Tempi (e costi) che oggi possono essere facilmente abbattuti con l’utilizzo della blockchain.

Tempo di lettura: 4 min

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Managing uncertainty in contracts with a shared approach

on May 17, 2022

Most of our actions and decisions involve others, inside and outside any organisation. The best solutions come from working together and the pandemic caused many people to appreciate the extent of our interdependency. Establishing a win-win collaboration framework would increase communication and clarity within a network and with suppliers.

Developing a solution together, based on shared input and mutual respect, generates a collaborative environment that simplifies coordinating and reconciling multiple opinions. Different groups and functions typically reflect different interests, and rarely organisations speak with one voice.

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