Sarah Giannelli

Blockchain and Smart contracts: a valuable drive to implement community currencies

on June 28, 2022

Since the global financial crisis in 2008, economists started to rethink alternative and new forms of cooperation and economic systems capable of cutting off third-party intermediaries and ensuring direct interaction between peers. The digital revolution has triggered a disruptive diffusion of the internet, technology, online communities, and new technological platforms. The sharing or collaborative economy is one economic system where assets and services are shared between private individuals and it is often facilitated by an online platform. Solutions based on blockchain technology as Smart contracts have started growing. 

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What is contract automation and why you need it

on June 24, 2022

In the business world, there is always scope for improvement. Many companies worldwide are adopting process automation as a key strategy to stay ahead in the run. This is especially true when it comes to contracts.

But what is contract automation and why you need it?

Every business has some sort of contract management process; a series of steps that encompass the management of an organisation’s contracts from initiation through to execution, storage, and renewal or expiry. At one end of the spectrum this process is completely ad hoc, whereas more sophisticated organisations spend time understanding how fit-for-purpose contract management software can be leveraged to drive competitive advantage.

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How Smart Legal Contracts can help General Council to innovate in corporate environments

on June 20, 2022

As procedures become more digitised, how to build secure, and digital business agreements it’s become nowadays a widely discussed topic. Smart contracts are the ideal platform for business innovation and to enable sustainable business models. They are legally binding contracts, in which some or all of the obligations are recorded in and/or performed automatically by a computer program.  

Differently from traditional contracts, they are self-executing and self-enforcing and often can be deployed on distributed ledger technology, such as blockchain where data is stored on a public database, and cannot be changed. The transactions can be sent automatically without a third party to deal with the verification and enforcement of the contract.  

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Supply chain and social responsibility

on November 27, 2021

Sustainability is one of the defining issues of our age. Companies are overhauling the way they source, create and distribute products to achieve and promote supply chain and social responsibility.

Sustainability affects everything a company does, including how it works with its suppliers. But too many supply chain managers employ a “take-make-waste” mentality. As a result, supply chains around the globe remain fraught with inefficiencies due to wasteful use of assets. But there’s a solution at our fingertips: blockchain.

Blockchain can transition supply chain management to a sharing economy where people and companies reduce waste and decouple growth from the consumption of finite resources — thus becoming more sustainable and profitable at the same time.

Reading time: 4 minutes.

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5 KPIs to measure for a successful CLM

on September 10, 2021

Companies with intensive CLM activity regularly oversee agreements between their organization and other parties. As such, they need to measure results on an ongoing basis. For this reason, they depend on contract management KPIs to align goals, develop the right metrics, and watch the CLM closely. However, these indicators need to be smart and consistent to keep in check those that are relevant to your operations. 
To improve your company’s profitability and performance, there are 5 KPIs to measure for a successful CLM

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How smart legal contracts can improve sales

on August 24, 2021

Ask anyone in the business world about their pain points and you’ll likely hear: sales and signatory management. Updating, monitoring, and managing lists is currently a time-consuming, inefficient, and error-prone activity for suppliers and buyers alike. At the same time, the painstaking process of proper signatory management is essential for establishing and maintaining business relationships, not to mention for ensuring compliance.

Reading time: 4 minutes.

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